Tamil Novels Blog
“Un Aruge Naan Irundhaal” is a captivating and thought-provoking novel written by Guru Aravindhan. she navigates through the complexities of love, relationships and self-discovery, the...
“Nilave Vaa.. Nillaathe Vaa…” is a compelling and heartwarming novel penned by, Kavitha Eswaran. Set against the backdrop of a picturesque hill station, the story...
“Nenjil Oor Nimmathi” is an enchanting novel by R Vijayalakshmi that takes readers on a captivating journey of love, self-discovery, and resilience. Set against a...
“Minnalai Mayakkum Manae” is an enthralling novel written by Revathi Ashok that invites readers into a world of emotions, dreams, and the power of love....
“Kadhal Vangi” is a novel written by Anuradha Ramanan. This captivating story delves into the complexities of love, relationships, and the intricacies of human emotions....